The Global Warming Politics

The Global Warming Politics have involved many different political debate, policy designs, and legislation involving the science of global warming and the response to global warming. The war of political words has involved many different governmental bodies, scientific organizations, and special interests groups. Most English speaking countries have supported the action to help limit global warming. The predicted effects of global warming are way too much to pass by which is why the governments of many countries have combined forces to help stop global warming. The war on global warming is an endless battle. The possible outcomes are frightening so we as people must help as much as possible.

The most noticeable change because of global warming politics occurred on December 11th 1997 with the creation of the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol is a protocol from the international Framework Convention on Climate Chance that intends to help reduce greenhouse gases that causes change in climate.

The Kyoto Protocol became into effect on February 16th 2005. Since late 2007 one hundred and seventy five parties have ratified the protocol. However, only thirty six developed countries are actually required to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to the levels required for each country in the treaty. There are three other countries that are predicted to participate soon.

While the global warming politics have made major improvements in the war against global warming there is still much more to do. The Labor party in Australia has ratified the Kyoto Protocol however it just went into effect in March of 2008. The Liberal Party government of Canada has ratified the protocol.

New Zealand's Labour government of Helen Clark ratified the Kyoto Protocol. The Labour Party of the United Kingdom has also ratified the Kyoto Protocol. In the United States Bill Clinton's Democratic Administration has signed the Kyoto Protocol. Many democrats have support a number of the bills that mitigate emissions. However, The Democratic Congress has never voted on whether or not the United States is bound to the treaty.

The global warming politics have long debated whether or not global warming is really all that dangerous. Many countries are fighting to take strong action against global warming. Others have disputed the scientific consensus on global warming or simply refuse action to mitigate global warming. In February of 2007 surveys discovered that ninety five percent of the forty one Congressional Democrats agreed that Earth's surface is warming because of man made problems while only thirteen percent of the thirty one Republicans who were surveyed agreed. Skepticism about global warming includes many newspapers in the United Kingdom and a few in Canada.

The global warming politics battle on to determine what to do to stop carbon emissions. While the United States has never officially agreed to be required to reduce emissions one hundred and ninety five cities in the United States have committed to reducing carbon emissions to seven percentages below the levels of 1990. That is over fifty million Americans committing to the cause. California, the world's sixth largest economy, committed in 2005 to reducing the emissions of 2000 levels by the year 2010. It is estimated that by 2020 if California's automotive standards were implemented nationwide drivers should save up to twenty six billion dollars a year.

The global warming politics are always debating and trying to implement new methods of stopping global warming. The nasty after effects of global warming almost always end with death and destruction. If it is true that we as humans are the cause of global warming we must do all we can to help the governments stop or at least delay global warming. We must take action before it is too late. Many skeptics believe that the effects of global warming will one day lead to the end of the world. Whether or not that is true nobody really knows. However, with such a shocking statement being said we must work hard along side the politics to prevent that from ever happening.

A Vast Machine - Politics Of Global Warming In Nature

The main objective of the Global Observing System is weather forecasting, but the data is another important use of detection of global climate change by comparing data collected decades ago, with the latest data. Consequently, the reliability of knowledge about climate change depends on the commensurability of data in space and time. A Vast Machine largely completed, built from parts of satellites, instantaneous communications, and computers that never could have imagined. Data from a network of sensors on land, at sea, in air and in outer space digested computers in real time and redistributed to the National Weather Service around the globe. Meteorological data networks were constantly in motion. Some changes, such as increasing the number of surface weather stations, were only quantitative. But others, especially the upper atmosphere observations at altitudes above 450 m and new tools such as radar satellite sounders installed fundamentally changed the properties of the network.

They are ideally suited to replace a top loader. Among the brands that are leaders in both craftsmanship and style of the branded product. His technique may not embarrass you. Branded product front-load washers are very popular today. Maintaining consistency in this huge, constantly changing network of work standards. Standards are socially constructed tools. They embody the results of the negotiations, which are simultaneously technical, Politics of Global Warming in nature. As the algorithms, they allow you to specify exactly how something will be done. Ideally, standardized processes and devices always work the same regardless of where, what, or who applies them. Consequently, some elements of the standards can be built into the machine or system. When they work, standards lubricate construction of technological systems and make possible a wide dissemination of knowledge politics of global warming. They are very important both for individuals and families. Front loading machines are currently first place in the market. Manufacturers of new inventions that meet internal use only. In practice, several standards can be specified as advanced algorithms. Thus, most of the standards also include a discipline on the part of the human participants, who are known to be prone to misunderstand and resist. As a result, maintaining the commitment of the current standard includes corrections people, practices, and machinery. Although tedious and uncertain negotiation of standards are among the most complex and important political arenas of modern society, with many institutional, financial, symbolic, and practical aspects.

Global Warming - Truth or Tale?

No matter where you are, no matter the time of day, no matter the weather, it seems you can find someone talking about it. Recently it was at the grocery store. Two checkers couldn't agree. Global warming? Or not? Still stinging from the recent cold crunch, my vote was with the not. But what is true? Certainly the mainstream media is no help.

I must admit, I am a skeptic. After all, as Kenneth Chilton, director of the Institute for the Study of Economics and the Environment said, "These guys are going to try to tell you what the climate's going to be like in 2100, and the weatherman can't tell you what it's going to be like in five days. Weather is simple compared to climate. Let's get real here." 1

Yet the Associated Press continues to print headlines such as, "Climate report warns of droughts, starvation, disease." In fact, reporter Seth Borenstein prophesies, "Tens of millions .

. . will be flooded out of their homes each year as the Earth reels from rising temperatures and sea levels. . . Tropical diseases will spread. By 2050, polar bears will mostly be found in zoos, their habitats gone. Pests like fire ants will thrive." 2 [emphasis mine]

Not until later does Mr. Borenstein regain some realism adding the term, 'could.' Why? What is his basis? His purpose? A dose of reality? A well-crafted rumor?

Can't we trust the news? Don't they present the 'facts'? If so, why the sensationalism? The contradictions? The mud-slinging?

A good example of today's conflicting propaganda is revealed in the comparison of two recent 'news' reports. Canada Free Press, which calls itself Canada's Fast Growing Independent News Source, presents one side.

A guest essay by Ross Gelbspan, posted on 'The Grist', a website dedicated to environment news and commentary, expounds the other.

Ross, a 30-year journalism veteran, maintains the pace of global warming has kicked into overdrive. He claims, "the hollow optimism of climate activists, along with the desperate responses of some of the world's most prominent climate scientists, is preventing us from focusing on the survival requirements of the human enterprise." He contends we have "failed to meet nature's deadline."3

Miguel A. Guanipa, reporter for the Canada Free Press, disagrees. He says, '. . . no consensus is to be found among the 400 scientists that are listed on [the U.S. Senate Committee] report, other than the nearly unanimous agreement that the claim of Global Warming as a legitimate threat to humanity is more an ideological juggernaut than a proven scientific certainty . . .' 4

But, Ross goes on to say, "within the last two years, a number of leading scientists . . . have all declared that humanity is about to pass or already has passed a "tipping point" in terms of global warming. The IPCC, which reflects the findings of more than 2,000 scientists from over 100 countries, recently stated that it is "very unlikely" that we will avoid the coming era of "dangerous climate change." "5

Wait! Aren't they the same group who, in 2001, said we could expect the world's oceans to rise as much as 35 inches. But, in their 2007 report, reduced their forecast to 16.5 inches? 6

Mr. Guanipa contends, '[The 400 scientists'] consensus is based in the scientifically verifiable notion that . . . periodic Hemispheric warming (and cooling) of the earth are natural cyclical phenomena, caused primarily by fluctuations in the sun's electro-magnetic radiation, water vapor, and a host of other culprits meaner than the rise in carbon dioxide levels, which is actually an effect rather than a cause of warming. This natural cycle has taken place - and will continue to take place - over millennia. This means that the net impact that man - in all his industrial fury - has over any significant climate variations, is no more distinguishable - as a contributing former meteorologist puts it - than a "fart in a hurricane".'7

400 scientists? Why don't we hear more about them? According to the Canada Free Press, they feel their voices are being suppressed, their opinions ridiculed, and their jobs threatened. "They also contend that stripped of its thin veneer of scientific legitimacy, the theory of A.G.W. is nothing more than an ideological doctrine, and a dangerous one at that. . . [which stifles] healthy debate . . . on an issue that could have serious and lasting global economic and social repercussions."8

Still Mr. Gelbspan persists, 'This slow-motion collapse of the planet leaves us with the bitterest kind of awakening . . . For anyone anywhere who truly absorbs this reality and all that it implies, this realization leads into the deepest center of grief . . . There needs to be a vision that accommodates both the truth of the coming cataclysm and the profoundly human need for a sense of future.'9

This leaves one reeling. Is this just a war of words? Is it a spitting match? A power play? One has to wonder. Especially when one reads some of the comments on Mr. Gelbspan's commentary. One worker in the Environmental Protection field who has a science and mathematics background said, "I have studied this issue for many years, reading everything I can find on the subject, including all the IPCC reports (not just the executive summaries). I have yet to come across any credible evidence that increasing atmospheric CO2, man-made or otherwise, is causing global warming. To the contrary, all of the research-backed theories that seem to explain past climate changes have nothing to do with CO2. . . .So far, all this hype appears, in my view, to be based on computer models that are seriously flawed.' 10

It is enough to make one cry. Not only is this controversy, regardless of who is right, throwing a bad light on the scientific community, fueling the fires of controversy, separating friends, and making reporters sound like fools, but it is downright depressing.

One wonders how many people echo this reader's comment, "the future is going to s- - -, we just don't know how badly." Or this one, "This article kind of makes me want to go home, eat a handful of Xanax and stare at a wall for a while." Or even this one, "What the h- - - am I supposed to do now?" 11

What we don't need is more sloppy science, weeping politicians, false accusations, and blind denial. Pure and honest reporting from the mainstream press would be a great start. However, whether an environmentalist, Christian, or unconcerned citizen, everyone has a responsibility to their environment. What we do will effect future generations.

Sol's Role In Global Warming-Is It Contributing?

There is an awful lot of differing scientific opinion in regard to the causes of Global Warming. Sometimes it is difficult for the average citizen to glean the truth from the miasma of scientific opinion. There is a plethora of theory and speculation. The following is a brief in regard to the latest debate on the cause of Global Warming in relation to the Sun.

It has become apparent that other planetary bodies in the Solar System have also been warming as well as Earth. This odd phenomena may only have been noticed because our own planet is warming, causing scientists to take a closer look at our neighbouring orbs and the activity of the Sun. It has been noted that Neptune, Titan, Pluto, Jupiter and Mars are also warming, the reason why there has been speculation about the Sun perhaps playing a contributing role in the warming up of our own planet.

The Sun does vary in irradiance and on occasion may go through cooler and warmer periods of activity.

For instance, there was what is called, a "Little Ice Age" over Europe and North America for a period of 350 years, called a Maunder Minimum. Beginning in 1645, for a period of 75 years, coinciding with the Little Ice Age, astronomers recorded almost no sunspot activity at all. Sun spots can increase the irradiation factor of the Sun's energy output, but this activity is still not enough to be a major cause of Earth's warming. Solar radiation output can indirectly induce chemical changes to greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere and cause modulations of H2o,CO2 and CH4 etc, but not enough to create a global warming event. Warming of the oceans melts the ice sheets and hence may increase cloud cover patterns, which increase the greenhouse effect.

According to a recent German survey, the Sun has been hotter over the last 60 years and was cooler from 100-150 years ago.

For the last 20 years however, sunspot activity has remained constant and steady and cannot be contributing to the increase in the Earth's temperature. Over the 11 year cycle of the Sun, there is only a 1/10 of a degree change in its temperature. Not nearly enough to be the cause of Global Warming.

There are explainable reasons why the other planets are warming.
Jupiter is currently experiencing an increase in storm activity, which churns up warmer gases from lower in its thick atmosphere, which are heated by internal forces, thereby increasing the surface temperature signature of the planet. Titan is also experiencing increased storm activity. Neptune is moving closer to the Sun in its orbital cycle. Pluto is experiencing increased eruptive activity, increasing its surface temperature. Mars is an uncertainty it seems, but also wobbles on its orbital path, as does Earth so the noticeable decreases in the Ice Caps may be due to normal seasonal changes. Some scientists are speculating however, that Mars may be coming out of an Ice Age.

Over all, the consensus seems to be that there is not enough evidence to support the theory that solar activity is having any effect on global warming. It plays a small role in Earth's warming, combined with the effects of industrialization, but not nearly enough to be a contributing factor to the current warming trend. The responsibility for that rests on our shoulders. We are pumping too much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere and we remain the leading cause of the planet's plight. Blame cannot be shifted on to any other unsuspecting candidate in the Solar System. It is a mess we have created for ourselves and we have to be the ones to clean it up.

The Terrifying Global Warming

Global warming is true and is going on!

Mainstream of scientific community recognize the global warming. It is indeed happening. By the beginning of the 20th century, the average surface temperature of the earth has increased 1.1 F (0.6 C). In the last 40 years, the air temperature has increased 0.5 F (0.2- 0.3 C). Global warming has been going on in the last 400- 600 years, but the fastest in the 20th century.

As a result, the natural environment has been changing. We can see glaciers are fading away gradually. In the last 40 years, the thickness of north polar glaciers has dropped 40% of the original. The global sea level is arising. More and more researches show that plants and animals respond to the climate change by changing their behavior patterns.

Do you find that you have more allergies in recent years? In spring, you sneeze and the eyes itch more frequently? Researches show that the increase of carbon dioxideand the rise of air temperature bring forward the flowering period of plants and thus produce more pollen.

Animals have migrated to higher ground.

In the 20th century, people find that they only can see lovely chipmunks and squirrels when they climb higher. Global warming had forced various animals to migrate higher.

Lakes "leak". In the last decades, there are 125 lakes in North Pole gone. Global warming results in the melting of permafrost at the bottom of lakes and thus, the water penetrates into the soil.

Satellites revolve faster and faster. Influences of global warming achieve to the outer space.

Though the earth's outermost layer of air is thin, it still produce resistance to satellites. Thus, engineers need to adjust the orbit of satellites.

More and more forest fires happen. Global warming increases the dryness of forests and thus, raises the risks of fires.

When atmospheric layer has been damaged; the environment has been polluted and the globe has been warming, many influences are brought to human beings and the earth, both positive and negative. For example, as temperature rises, subpolar areas may be more suitable for human beings to live in. The rise of carbon dioxide promotes the photosynthesis and thus, plants grow faster. The above two examples show the positive influences. However, negative influences are more profound. For example, it influences human beings' health. Extreme high temperature will cause many health problems, such as malaria, cholera, kala-azar and so on. As climate changes, some tropical diseases can spread to extratropic region.

Global Domains International Review - Is Global Domains International Legit?

The purpose of this article is to give a review of whether or not Global Domains International is a scam or a legitimate company.

In my opinion I believe Global Domains International is not a scam, they have been around for 8 years and is currently the 37th fastest growing company. If a company were to be a scam there is no way that they can survive this long and still make the Inc 500 list. GDI has become a rock solid company and will continue to be a rock solid company for many more years to come.

Some people may think that Global Domains International is a scam because of the dirt cheap start up cost and the outrageous commissions that they pay. The truth is this company is still making money to pay the commissions and to still profit. They are able to still profit because they offer consumers a product that they need so this causes the consumer to become a repeat customer.

The other reason that people may think that Global Domains International is a scam is because they are not able to produce the kind of result that the top leaders are experiencing on the leader board.

Some people may seem to have a hard to time with signing people up underneath them so they tend to call Global Domains International a scam.

Let me just say this, the way that these top producers are getting their sign ups is because they know how to market. Knowing how to market is the only way that you can produce those kinds of results. So if you don't know how to market and build a business you will probably have a difficult time within this industry and this goes the same for any business that you do.

Fighting With Global Warming: Saving The Polar Bears

The signs of global warming include an oft example.

This is the fact that polar bears are disappearing in the arctic. Polar bears are at the top of the arctic food chain and feed majorly on seals even though they can adapt to being omnivores specially when living near places of human activity - like garbage dumps.



The largest of the bears a large white polar bear is a site to behold. A polar bear will sit for hours above a seal's blow hole waiting for a sign of a seal at which point it will use its huge weight to smash through the ice to catch, kill and eat a seal. Polar bears are also known for swimming huge distances between ice berges and ice packs. The problem with the great melt in the arctic circle it that these distances are know becoming even too great for the once mightly polar bear.


Many would say the only solution to preventing the polar bear from extinction is to breed them in captivity in zoos and the like. Whilst polars bear will live in zoos this poses many problems. Use to ranging over such a large area polar bears are quickly bored being locked up in a small enclosure. There are numerous examples of bears going quite mad in zoos. I remember one in Auckland zoo that spent most of the day pacing back and forth like a prisoner. Zoos and theme parks have improved the way they look after their polar bears including packing their food in ice (to make them work for it), hiding food in different ways to give the bears something to do. They also include more 'toys' to keep the bears busy. But even if this is better for the bears mental health genetically you need a population of at least 5000 bears with a highly skilled breeding program to ensure the health of the species.


Perhaps a radical solution would be to move some polar bears to the antarctic. The south pole is not going to melt anytime soon (but give mankind time to stuff it up). The polar bears would have plenty of prey - penguins, seals, birds, etc. Of course the huge risk of introducing a new species to this environment is the destruction of other species. Whilst seals would be fine giving that polar bears haven't over hunted them up north penguins might be a different story - especially ones like the emporers that collect in huge groups to brood - a sitting 'duck' for a hungry polar bear. Perhaps a solution would be to tried them on some islands near the antarctic first and see how they went and whether other species could adapt to having a new predator.


Whatever the solution with the way the arctic is going time is running out for the polar bear (but not for property developers of nice warm arctic real estate!)


Global Warming-The Facts

Temperature change is a normal occurrence on the changing earth that we live on. If we look back over the past 400,000 years, we see that the average temperature as determined by Antarctic ice-core records, show an 8-deg C change. The earth is normally about -4 to -5 deg C below the current temperature. This was during the four ice ages that occurred during this period.

The warm periods between the ice ages are relative short compared to the length of the ice ages which last about 100,000 years. Our current warm period has lasted longer than normal, about 6,000 years. About the same length of time that we have a recorded record of man on earth.

Carbon Dioxide levels have in the past followed along with the major changes in temperature. However in the past 200 years, this level has jumped and may have even prevented a return to another ice age.

The previous warm period was warmer that our current warm period and lasted almost as long as our current warm period followed by a 100,000 year ice age.

This may have been the time of the heavy forest growth and many fires, as the Carbon Dioxide levels also remained high. The Carbon Dioxide levels peaked at the same time that the warming levels peaked, but lasted much longer after the temperatures started to cool. This leads me to believe that the high Carbon Dioxide levels may have brought on the warm periods. As the Carbon Dioxide levels fell the temperature also fell.

If we look at the last 1,100 years, we see only about a one deg C change with the current temperature about equal to what it was about 1,000 years ago. During the last few years the temperatures have leveled off and may be cooling back down again.

With so many factors affecting our global temperatures, I would expect more drastic changes in the future and if history repeats itself, we could be in for another ice age.

If in fact anything man is currently doing is affecting the temperature by keeping the earth warmer, it would be a positive thing.

See: ( for more information.

In my life time I have seen large orange groves once common in north central Florida wiped out by colder weather and the land owners giving up and moved to more southern areas. I know that the reverse may have been true in other parts of the country and is only evidence that change is normal. There is an old saying, If you don't like the weather, just wait, it will change.

Related Global Warming International Center Articles

Reduce The Amount Of Global Warming Gas With 'Carbon Neutral'

Human beings have discovered many ways referring to carbon dioxide so as to make the amount of this global warming gas which we release into our environment lower. Rounds in environmental circles and in the more general media have recently been done regarding to this issue.


We are attempting to neutralize part of the carbon dioxide emission by increasing carbon dioxide absorption. This process of absorption creates an action that can be described as being carbon neutral. It is yet another idea which science has attempted to use to combat global warming which is a growing concern in today's society.


Global warming is real and we need to take action to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being produced. We see the effects everywhere. Temperature changes, ice caps in the arctic melting leaving animals homeless and starving.


In an attempt to reduce these emissions the government and private sectors have implemented various methods of doing this.

Offering incentives for people to convert their homes to natural gas. Working with manufacturing companies to find ways to lower their emissions.


Creating products that are environmentally friendly. International carbon trading systems. There has been great progress in manufacturing cars, which produce, lower carbon dioxide emissions. Cars and manufacturing companies are two of the largest producers of carbon dioxide and therefore a great deal of work is required on their part.


We need to continue and accelerate the rate at which treeplanting programs are introduced. This is of great benefit as trees absorb carbon dioxide while producing oxygen.

This not only helps to create a carbon neutral process but helps our natural ecosystems by providing animals with a place to live.


A lot of emphasis has been put on public awareness. Changes that the government makes are not enough unless society is on-board. People need to be aware of the seriousness of global warming. This is not something that is going away.


People often think that only large corporations can do anything but we all have a part to play in this, we are all members of this human species. There are lots of things that we can do to combat carbon dioxide emissions and go some way to having a positive effect on global warming.


Building better insulated and more efficient homes reduce the amount of energy used in our daily life. The government now offers various incentives to use natural gas which also makes an energy efficient home. Use solar heating if possible. Recycling is also very important.


There are many other ways that we can directly effect global warming by creating a better carbon neutral environment. Take a close look at your footprint, which relates to the amount of carbon dioxide your lifestyle is generating. Make your footprint one that makes a difference...the children are counting on you.


More Global Warming International Center Articles

You Can Help In The Battle With Global Warming


In response to the report on global warming of Oregonian, I write this article.

I worry like many others at the prospect of closing Hwy 35 about global warming. I urge you to have some actions wherever you can to at least slow this bad thing. This article will view the cause of global warming, and recommend some ways so that you can help humanity fight this very real threat.



According to the Oregonian newspaper, the root cause of global warming, whether you live in Oregon or the Orient, is excessive carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is literally emitted by us daily as we breathe, as you may well know. It is also emitted from daily activities such as when we cook, do our laundry, and take our showers. But most of all, global warming gases are emitted when we drive our vehicles.


In the Oregonian's global warming report, the average Portland area family of 3 with 2 automobiles (05 Subaru Outback at 12,500 miles per year, and a '98 Ford Taurus at 6,000 miles per year) emitted 42,949 lbs of carbon dioxide annually. 24,884 of those pounds were from the automobiles! These figures are startling, since I have to admit, we drive more than the 18,500 miles represented above, and I thought the newer vehicles would emit less global warming carbon dioxide, but these facts don't encourage me.


Another major contributor to global warming are airplanes and jets. For a family of three to fly round trip from Portland to Disney World in Orlando, FL, 5 tons of carbon dioxide (10,000 pounds!) are created and released, according to the US. Department of Energy. The carbon dioxide that we create ( I hate to use the word 'create' for something so destructive!) in 11 hours, takes five residents of India, or nearly 3 Brazilians an entire year to generate!


I was harshly reminded of the seriousness of global warming when I read a few days ago that they might close Hwy 35, due to a glacier on Mt. Hood melting. Exposed sand and rocks that were under the ice came crashing onto the highway and spilled into White River causing the river to change course and about 10 miles of road to become buried under millions of cubic yards of rock! If global warming continues, with glaciers and polar ice caps melting, coastal cities will be gone, including New York. I am quickly abandoning my apathy about global warming! Britain has recently released a 700 page report to world superpowers saying there is no future without quick action! I am amazed but understand our addiction to modern conveniences, since, lets face it, nobody here wants to live like those in third world countries. But we have to realize that global warming is to the point of destroying our earth, so we must find alternatives. We DO have an alternative, one that those that have made money selling gasoline and petroleum products, have managed to stifle. This alternative will not only help prevent global warming, but I believe it will help to reverse it, because it actually cleans the air!


I am fortunate enough to have been exposed to this technology earlier than most, because I have a friend who was married to someone who invented a way to bypass the gasoline tank, and run his car on water. At that time, he was shot at, and his car was destroyed. This incident happened about 20 years ago. Intimidation from big oil is why there is no patent on such a system. Here is where we have come to gain hope concerning global warming. We have come to know of a scientist who has written a manual on how to build a fuel system that will run a vehicle using water. He is almost giving this technology away, knowing that the more people that start using it, the less anyone will be able to do to stop this wonderful invention from being used. This one powerful idea would slow and possibly reverse our current descent into global warming. I nominate him for the Nobel Prize!


What I propose to slow global warming will cost you the price of the manual and a trip to the mechanic. But it will save you whatever you spend on gas, (isn't that huge?!) and more than cut in half the amount of carbon dioxide a family of 3 puts into our atmosphere. I say more than cut in half, because this system releases the oxygen out of the water (the hydrogen is burned), back into the atmosphere! Fresh air in the cities? Can you imagine? Save money and slow global warming?


I urge everyone to look into this invention. I have written this article earlier than I intended, stirred by Hwy 35 being destroyed due to global warming. I have not installed the fuel conversion system yet, however, I have the manual, and my husband, who knows a thing or two about mechanics, thinks its ingenious, and this is definitely his winter project to reduce global warming. Wouldn't it speak volumes to our world community if the country who bears the greatest responsibility for global warming, has now taken such a drastic step toward the cure?


To our children's future.