Global Warming

Every day or other, we are knocked over by the shocking reports of melting ice, vanishing glaciers and the increase of water levels in the oceans. Our planet earth is increasingly getting hotter. The news of hurricanes unleashing causalities is alarming. Ask yourself a question - Is it not the duty of each one of us to save our mother earth from being destroyed?

Global warming is the shadow of future turmoil and devastation. And it is no doubt a man made disaster. The charm of the earth is slowly getting lost. The dark shadow of death is creeping widely. In simple terms, global warming is the average rise in earth's temperature. And it is this rise only that has caused the great change in the climate. Average global temperature has increased by almost one degree Fahrenheit over the past century, an additional 2 to 6 degree Fahrenheit increase over the one hundred years is also expected.

This may not surprise you much but it could change the earth's temperature as never before.

Global warming is the number one terrible fate. The major behind global warming is the emissions of carbon-dioxide and other green house from human activities that include industrial processes, fossil fuel combustion, and the changes in the land use, such as deforestation. With the development of the industrial economies, larger amount of carbon-dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Several gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide act as the additional blanket around the earth. They allow sun's heat to reach the surface of the earth and warm up the temperature. Along with emission of harmful gases. Deforestation is the another devastating force behind the global warming.

Since 1970, the temperature have gone up at nearly three times the average for the 20th century.

By 2100, sea levels are likely to rise between 7 to 23 inches. Resulting in the gradual inundation of coastal areas and increasing beach erosion and flooding from coastal storms, changes in precipitation patterns, increased risk of floods and droughts, threats to the bio diversity and the number of potential challenges for the public health.

However we can all make efforts to save the environment from the serious hazards. And the simplest methods are - using recyclable products, purchase of energy efficient products, tree plantation and reduction in pollution.

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Call Center Industry: Effects In Global Recession

The call center industry in the Philippines is one of the largest industries in the country today. It was even considered as the fastest-growing industry in the Philippines until it was recognized as the Sunshine Industry of the Philippines due to its massive growth in only a decade, as well as its major contribution to combat unemployment in the country.

Call Center Industry: From Rise to Fall
Although the call center industry is known today as one of the most successful industries in the Philippines, as well as considered as the largest provider of live answering services in the Philippines, the industry had also undergone a number of trials, particularly when global recession had hit the global market.

The call center industry started when a number of Live Answering Service were introduced in the country, such as customer care and technical support, by a few third-party companies and agencies in the Philippines. Since then, the demand for call center services had grown significantly which signaled the start of the call center industry in the Philippines.

The industry had grown even further when call center companies and agencies established a number of Business Answering Service that not only aims to offer live answering services to large companies and corporations, but also to small and medium businesses such as clinics, restaurants, hotels, and many more. This allowed the industry to access other markets which were inaccessible in the past due to the incompatibility of call center services in the past and their business processes.

Due to the continuous expansion of the call center industry, many foreign investors had come into the Philippines to either start a call center business that aims to offer live answering services to offshore businesses, or to just outsource their call center service to companies and agencies in the Philippines.

According to industry experts, it was because of this that the call center industry had gained its massive and rapid success in the Philippines and in the global market. However, it was also because of this that the call center industry of the Philippines was heavily devastated when global recession had hit the global market.

When global recession had hit the global market, particularly the US, many call center companies and agencies in the Philippines had been heavily affected, particularly because most of these were established for the sole purpose of providing their services to offshore businesses. And because many foreign investors had withdrawn their investments in the Philippines, many call center companies and agencies had closed down.

However, there are still a number of call center companies and agencies in the Philippines that survived global recession, particularly those that offered Business Answering Service to different businesses unaffected by global recession.

Industry Today
When global recession had started to recede, the call center Industry had started to pick up its pace in the Philippines and in the global market. And today, because of the industrys strong stand in the market, the Philippines was eventually recognized as the call center capital of the world.

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Creating A Global Call Center

Creating a functional call center to serve global customers is much more complicated than starting a local domestic answering service. There are specific logistical and technical considerations you must account for like the cost of taking and routing international calls. If you are thinking about opening up an international center or just want to make see of your domestic service can take on international clients, read this article.

The first consideration on setup is if your center can take international calls. Some carriers will charge extra if international routing chains are used to channel the call. If your clients are forwarding to toll free numbers that they own or that you provide, toll free numbers are usually provisioned to only work in singular countries or zones. Even if it is provisioned globally, it is usually cost prohibitive for an international client to incur international toll charges each time their calls are routed.

Make sure you check with your carriers, both toll free and land line, and chart all charges. Once you understand the charges, you can set your rates for international customers considering your own profit margins.

Another important aspect is staffing. After you see if you can technically answer these calls, see if it is feasable. It is up to the management team to estimate how many calls the center will be receiving. Based on this information, they must hire the appropriate amount of employees and make certain that there will be enough space to accompany the entire staff.

When it comes to an international call center, you are going to be interacting with callers from around the world. These callers may not all be English speaking. If a call center only offers one language, it is just as important for them to be able to understand the accents of the many people they will become in contact with. Although it is seemingly impossible to have call center employees that speak every language, it is important to have employees that can speak the more popular languages. Many of these international call centers will have specific departments that will handle calls in different languages and from different locations. It is important to have employees that can handle specific languages and geographic locations to provide their customers with the best services.

It is crucial to understand the different cultures that you will come across when dealing with international callers. In different parts of the world, there are different ways to address and socialize with each other, which can often cause confusion in the call center. Because of this, it is crucial for the employees to know how to respect the people they will be dealing with. The call center’s goal should be to make the customer feel comfortable with their conversation. Aside from the way to interact with these global customers, it is also important to keep in mind the different time zones. Having callers from all over the world means that the call center will be receiving calls at all hours and it is important for the operators to be aware of their customer’s time zone.

It is important for the call center managers to understand the many aspects of running a global call center. They must be prepared for all of the complications they will encounter to make for a successful business model.

Global Warming Hoax

You may think stress is related to the case of climate change. Then you need to look for a global warming hoax that is created by many people. You will be able to see the issue from another side as it can be so exciting.

In 2007, there was a claim that the Himalayan glaciers are melting. The U.N Intergovernmental Panel detected the announcement by interviewing a scientist to find out the truth. They then conclude that it is pure speculation that didn't supported by any research.

The IPCC reported that the global warming is going to kill 40 percent of the Amazon rainforest and cut African crop yields 50 percent. It is known as a propaganda that doesn't mean any important thing. In 2007, they also declared about 55 percent of Netherlands would be below the sea level.

While the Arctic ice cap, there was some information that would be expanding by 1000,000 kilometers for the next 30 years.

From the scientist, the information becomes only 3,800 square miles of new Antarctic ice every year. It makes the report of the British Antarctica Survey in 2009 canceled.

Next hoax is about the worst winters ever in America because of knowing of hurricane season among the mildest. The facts said that it doesn't prove anything because in 2005 hurricane season brought four major storms to the U.S coast. Furthermore, Katrina occurring among those seasons cut the theory that in 2009 during the hurricane season.

The climate research unit at East Anglia University, as the backup of scientific information for IPCC, is also involved in such global warming hoax. They apparently threw out basic data about claiming of the rise in global temperatures as effect global warming for the century.

A hacker entered the e-mail files and found CRU scientists had squelched the publication of dissenting views.

Polar bears are not vanishing and sea levels are not rising like the 20-foot surge this century. Beaches are not disappearing; temperatures have not been rising since late 1990s. That information is totally surprising, especially for us who didn't know it. Then we can conclude in historic terms, global warming is not at all unprecedented.

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What Make Global Warming?

The most serious environmental emergences which we have to face today involve global warming.

It means that the temperature of the earth and ocean increase gradually. It is the result of the build up of certain gases which make the atmosphere hotter. These heat-trapping gases are also called greenhouse gases.



Although carbon dioxide is said to be the cause of more than 60% of global warming, there are other substances which cause global warming as well, including methane, chlorofluorocarbons, and nitrous oxides. Did you ever asked yourself why the earth is heating up? Some may say it is a natural phenomenon, others may claim that man made the changes. As a matter of fact, natural causes and human activities are the factors which influence global warming.


Studies claim that billion years ago, long before man exists, there is already a warming of the planet. One of the natural cycles which believed to cause the rise of temperature is the sunspots cycle. For instance, explosions of the sun's surface produces heat which can hit the earth causing intense temperatures. Another natural factor believed to affect global climate is the earth orbit and tilt.


Any changes of the earth orbit can cause the planet to move closer or farther from the sun. Therefore it is one of the culprits for global warming. Evidence proved that plate tectonics caused poles to be isolated from warm ocean currents. Thus it can affect our climate. Furthermore, another natural factor for global warming is the release of methane gas from wetlands and arctic tundra. One example of greenhouse gas involved in global warming is methane.


Although greenhouse gases occur naturally to keep the Earth temperature stable to maintain life, human activities increase the concentration of these gases in the atmosphere. As concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases, the atmosphere is capable of absorbing more heat. As a result, the earth tends to warm up. In this case, man is believed to be a factor for global warming. The rise of Industrial Revolution dramatically increases the concentration of Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at rates much faster than the earth can cycle them.


Transportations, factories, electricity from coal-fired power plants produce carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere. Cutting down trees is another significant source of greenhouse gases, because fewer trees mean less conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen. In addition, research shows that burning wood and fossil fuels such as gas, coal, and oil contributes carbon dioxide; methane is released from livestock and coal production; and agricultural and industrial processes produces nitrous oxide.


Global Warming - 5 Facts

Global warming is happening and some people still think it's not happening which is just fine, but even they have to admit the climate is changing. The planet constantly altering, we have to decide what we will do to adapt. Animals and plants are already changing the way they act by blooming and migrating sooner. With technology constantly changing, new variables are added to this equation of global warming that pessimistic scientists must take into consideration before they doom the planet. Now, for all those skeptics who think global warming doesn't exist, here are 5 facts about global warming.

1. The Planets Temperature Has Increased And Average of 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.6 of a degree Celsius) in the last 100 years. With the increase in green house gasses, the suns rays stay trapped and increase the world's temperature. It is predicted that the temperature will increase in coming years because more and more of the suns heat remains trapped here on earth.

2 The cause of the increase of climate change is Human activity producing pollution and green house gasses according to many scientists.

Heavy industry vigorously emits carbon dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, Ozone, and other gasses. With an increase in competition to create the most products of the best quality comes an increase in the production of green house gasses, but with new laws and filters, the amount of these gasses being emitted into the air has decreased.

3. If the temperature of the planet increases to a certain point, methane from the ocean can be released into the air and drastically increase the temperature of the earth to dangerous levels. This is not to scare anyone and may not even have to do with global warming or human green house gas production, however scientists believe methane released from the ocean ended the Permian era, killed off countless land and sea creatures, and raised the temperature of the planet considerably.


People say that deforestation is a contributor to global warming right? According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), deforestation occurs at a rate of 53,000 square miles per year. This can negatively affect the atmosphere since trees are 50% carbon as well as cause environmental problems for the land which is used to having large forests on it.

5. There are more than 50 things you can do to stop or slow global warming including, lowering your thermostat, choosing energy efficient appliances and, taking showers instead of baths. Every little thing you can do to prevent energy from being wasted can help decrease the effect of human interaction with the earth's climate. Global warming or not, preventing the waste of energy doesn't hurt anyone.

Weather you believe humans are causing global warming or it is a natural occurrence that will pass, you still have to be aware of its effect on the world. Do some homework and learn about both sides of the debate. Now is the time when this topic is at its peak so it will help you to know a few facts.

Global Warming and Education Abroad

Not that long ago, a major concern amongst university administrations and student recruiters in the UK and Australia was the effect the increased threats of terrorism against those countries - and the US - would have on the numbers of students who wanted to do advanced academic work in those countries. Would parents wanting to give their children the best educational advantages available also send their children into potential war zones?

The actual effect has been hard to measure, since the factor is not easily quantifiable.

Right now, one of the world's biggest security threats - a steadily heating global climate and the extreme weather changes that seem to be caused by it - is striking the UK at its literal heart, giving universities throughout the country a host of new things to worry about. Britain is undergoing its greatest flooding in at least 60 years - not incidentally at the same time southern Europe is withering under a record heat wave that has taken the lives of at least 60 people as of this writing.

A glimpse at a map of the areas hardest hit by the floods in England bring place names renowned throughout the world.

The prime example, Oxford, on the River Thames, is synonymous with British higher education. It's still what newscaster call 'early days', so there's no telling what the damage to Oxford and others of Britain's top universities have been or will eventually be. At the time of this writing, the concern is still for saving lives and whole towns from being washed away.

One likely thing is that the clean-up will include a deep look at what can be done to protect some of the world's greatest universities, their facilities - and their students. For the most part, terrorism has been a treat that has manifested mostly in London - and terrorist attacks have not had an only-in-England stamp. As but one conspicuous example, the generations-old conflicts between native Thai Buddhist and separatist Thai Muslim populations in Thailand's southernmost three provinces have, over the last year, reached new peaks of violence sparked by an energized insurgencies. Thai students thinking of studying abroad in countries such as the UK would be only too familiar with the ubiquity of world terrorism.

How universities everywhere - not just in the UK - deal with the 'extreme weather' we have been told to prepare for throughout the world could have profound effects on the very nature of the educations those universities offer. Until now, they have, for the most part, promised advanced insights and training in the practices of international business. Now that global climate change in all its aspects is threatening to become a 'growth industry' - from earth science to public policy - the opportunity to educate and train young students in a range of new knowledge and skill areas they may well need to survive, wherever they live and work after earning advanced degrees, is one they will miss at the world's collective peril.

Global Internet Marketing

The Internet has opened up a whole new world of marketing possibilities. Just twenty years ago, owning and operating a small business almost always meant a local "brick and mortar" business. Today, even the smallest of businesses can attract customers through the power of global Internet marketing. Actively engaging in reputation management, content management and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can give even the smallest business a chance to compete globally.

International sales require a global Internet marketing plan. A plan developed and implemented by an Internet Marketing Professional should implement cutting edge technology and the latest in optimization techniques. Internet marketing is constantly evolving, with rising opportunities for increased visibility and growth.

Optimization efforts are directed at ranking higher with major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask. These same search engines use highly unique and protected algorithms, making it necessary to employ a wide variety of techniques in order to successfully optimize a site.

Marketing globally involves a more in-depth online marketing plan because your site will now be competing within a much larger arena.

Global Marketing Is Long Term

Global Internet marketing is long term, and slow but steady growth in rankings is the overall goal. Firms that guarantee first page rankings in as little time as a day cannot provide those results ethically. Instead, online business owners are encouraged to work with professionals that utilize organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) methods with a focus on long term goals.

By committing to long term optimization, an online company will see continued growth over the life of a business.

Global Marketing Costs Money

A global Internet marketing plan is an investment in the future of a business. A reputable optimization firm utilizes highly trained professionals with years of optimization experience and certifications or degrees. These professionals will adjust website design, perform careful analysis of keyword structure, research competitor websites, develop a content management strategy, develop a list of back links, implement a workable social media strategy, engage in proactive reputation management techniques, and examine analytical data  – and that is just the start.

The cost of Internet marketing may seem steep, but when you consider the long term results of a strategy created by professionals, there is no better investment that a business owner can make. The results are undeniable and produce: ongoing growth and website notoriety, increased visitor counts and high conversion rates.

To be successful on a global scale, an optimization plan is a business necessity. Global Internet marketing should be the driving force behind any advertising campaign. When implemented by professionals, it can give any business exposure on a global level.

If you are interested in bringing greater exposure to your business while attracting customers from all over the world, Optimum7 can help. Contact us today to start on a global Internet marketing plan that will steadily grow your business.

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