The Truth About Global Warming And Hillary Care

Somebody needs to tell the global warming crew to send a little global warmth to Indiana. Today the wind chill was -20 (and I work outside). When I was a kid there was an ensuing ice age (before it changed to global warming). Over the years these (same) fear mungers have made multiple billions $ $ $ $ in the arena of fear exploitation.

I have often wondered why nations who are not free, who have exceedingly high Co2 emissions (Can you say CHINA?) are never cited by the world community. Yet the US is always under extreme scrutiny. Why? Could it be because we're FREE? (at least we are for now).

Last year our C02 emissions were reduced dramatically. A few years ago the global community almost had a conniption fit because we (the US) refused to join Kioto. A few months ago ALL of the nations who joined Kioto were subjected to international fines costing billions of dollars per nation for failing to lower their co2 emissions to appropriate levels.

Not one nation was able to meet these benchmarks; because these benchmarks are virtually impossible to meet, especially on a consistent basis.

Folks, it's time for us to unite and quit being used as political pawns. Global warming is a natural phenomena that's been going on for centuries. According to reliable scientific evidence global warming is caused by the sun. Co2 emissions do not cause global warming; they are a result of global warming. Every nation who joined Kioto will now pay dearly through the raising of their taxes. This is nothing more than an international shakedown. It's pure socialism veiled in an unproven dogma about wanting to save the planet.

In the communist manifesto, in order to control large masses of people a government(s) must do two basic things: disarm the public (That's why when you hear about gun control "we need to get more guns off of the streets in order to reduce crime rates," said the politician; they NEVER EVER address the fact that criminals DON'T obey laws.

That's because public safety is not the real issue. The real underlying issue is 3 simple words: restriction-of-freedoms.). The second thing a government must do in order to control large masses of people is to control the flow of money. The more of your money the government has means the more control the government has over you. Remember our country was founded upon the precepts of a severe injustice known as "taxation without representation." That's right! Spending YOUR MONEY has always been a big deal as far as the government is concerned! That's the true underlying theme behind Hillary Care, gun control, tax hikes, man made global warming. etc... That's why nations such as China get a free pass even though their C02 emissions are astronomical.

Folks, we've got to wake up! Does anyone out there really believe that our politicians have the right to take more of our money? Does anyone believe that they have been handling our money in such a responsible fashion that they deserve more of it? If you do then I most certainly have nothing more to say to you concerning this matter. GOOD BYE! (at least for now).

When politicians talk about the national deficit, they're the ones who caused it. When you hear them talking about a possible recession guess who caused it? That's right! They did. Since 2002 they have had an absolute field day spending our money without any real restraints. Now the national deficit is equivalent to each American citizen owing the government 0,000 per citizen. The solution so far has been to keep on borrowing from China (our good socialist friends). If the government doesn't cap spending quickly this could prove to be very dangerous, especially as China's economy continues to grow in record proportions. Besides if our politicians got their out of control spending under control... (Note: Do you hear any of the candidates talking about spending caps? Of course not. Although some are talking about raising taxes even in lieu of a possible oncoming recession. Now what sense does that make? The government will give us a portion of our money back in the form of a stimulus package in order to avoid a recession, but then some of the same candidates who support the stimulus package want to turn around and take our money right back again in the form of a severe tax hike.). The truth is that people like Hillary Clinton would not have to sheepishly admit (like she did the other day) that she intends to garnish our wages (That's right! And you will have no say so in the matter whatsoever) in order to pay for her socialized health care plan. If Ms Clinton would just introduce a bill (no pun intended) that would cap government spending, in a few years she would have more than enough money to pay for her socialized health care plan (to the tune of 6 hundred billion $ $ $ $ per year). But then again, it's just like global warming. Her health care package has nothing to do with helping people. It's all about getting her elected, as well as giving the government more power & control over our lives (alias: a restriction of our freedoms).

Folks, don't be fooled any longer! There are solutions out there to every problem we face but, we, the people, have to quit buying in to these crazy socialist notions, protocols and ideas. We could end this silliness very quickly if we would just rise up and quit being willfully deceived.

Now the earth is going into another cooling period. So what does that tell you about (man-made) global warming? Are you going to be the next political pawn (alias: SUCKER) for the next money making socialist agenda that comes along? Brrrrrr! It's getting awfully cold! Feel the chill? Folks, the choice is yours. PEACE BE STILL!