Global swarming is a phenomenon far more impending than greenhouse gases; global swarming involves the very fabric of our lives. Therefore, how we handle global swarming will determine the quality of our future here on earth.
In the past, we have ignored global swarming as if it doesn't exist, but the experience of the past thirty years has clearly shown that global swarming is not only unstoppable, but presents a unique opportunity. Politicians and Scientists from all over the world need to become involved soon and come to some conclusions, because global swarming is a realty.
Global swarming happens when people ignore national barriers. We see it in the southern United States where people are flooding over borders in order to find work and a better life for their families. This is happening all over the world as well, with an influx of population into wealthier countries, and an outflow from impoverished countries.
Soon, however, it will be going the other way. Those in wealthy societies will seek the peace and beauty of the sparsely populated parts of the world and instead of becoming ex patriots as they are now called, will become true citizens of the world.Global swarming is happening in such great numbers and force that there is no way to stop it. Thousands of miles of fences just don't work because political will and economic considerations encourage immigration. Whether it is legal or illegal, immigrants make things happen; they buy goods and services, fill jobs, and create markets.
The danger we face is that immigrants, especially illegal ones, are taken advantage of. Illegal immigrants are treated as second-class citizens because they have no power to complain, similar to slavery during 19th century America where African Americans were considered to be on a par with work animals.
This was unbelievable as we look back, and we can't help but be aghast at what some stooped to in order to increase their wealth.With the advent of the internet and global communications, the earth is shrinking. Countries are becoming no more than states on a large map of common geography. It is only logical and a matter of time that in the future all boundaries, all restriction will be removed. When this happens, there will be a great equalization of all races, all cultures, where whatever a culture, or geographical area, or people can do better or more efficiently than another, that's what they will succeed in.
Not everyone flocks to New York here in the States. Some prefer the wide-open spaces, and some milder weather. With true globalization, those preferring spirituality might go Jerusalem, or perhaps India, as all religions begin to appreciate each other and recognize their commonality instead of their differences. Those interested in banking and business may end up in Stockholm or Switzerland. Everyone will be able to choose where he or she prefers to live, because everything else being equal, all income levels and opportunity will in the future be leveled.
Language barriers will disappear as voice activated computers instantaneously translate conversations between every culture. Traveling or relocating into even the remotest areas of the planet will no longer involve barriers of any kind. All basic services, such as education, a system of health care, and basic housing will be provided regardless of where one lives or where one came from, similar to the social services in Cuba but without the economic problems or lack of freedom. Color will be outdated as all races intermingle. A man or a woman will be valued for how they fit into a society as a whole and their level of virtue, not their appearance or background. Nationalities will blur, as people freely travel and live in many places over a lifetime.
Until we attain these lofty ideals, however, we will continue with our small-minded jealousies, isolationism, clannishness, and fears that precipitate war. Eventually, however, because of the diversification that free mobility will inject into all of society, a cosmopolitan and less xenophobic attitude will prevail, which will cool radical nationalism and promote true . . ."Global Swarming"
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