Ways to Reduce Global Warming

The rise in temperature due to increased amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leads to global warming. Global warming is everyone’s problem. It causes devastating effects all around such as reduced rainfall and extreme heat. The accumulation of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the air destroys the earth’s protective layer, known as the ozone layer. This layer protects the earth from the intense heat of the sun and when destroyed, will cause an imbalance in the system.

Global warming is caused by man-made activities and the excessive use of resources that affect the atmosphere. Using air conditioners, manufacturing from factories and burning of fossil fuels are a few examples of its causes. As the problem is progressing each day, global warming cannot be ultimately stopped. However, there are many ways that you can help to lessen its cause and effects.

Start by reducing laundry and iron use at home.

Avoid ironing your clothes daily. It is more practical to set a day to do the laundry and ironing. When the clothes are in bulk, you can efficiently utilize the heat from the presser. Maximize the load of clothes when you are using the washing and drying machine.

Avoid leaving your appliances on standby mode. All electrical appliances should be turned off or unplugged when not in use. Leaving your appliance in standby mode still consumes electricity. For example, a water heater that is still plugged will cause waste water heat recovery.

It will still consume about 10 percent of energy it needs when it is turned on.

Thermostat settings should also be monitored. During the summer, air conditioners are used to cool the home. When winter comes, heaters are turned on to keep the home warm. However, these heating and cooling systems consume a huge amount of energy. Use a stack heat recovery during winter season and turn down the air conditioner by two degrees. This thermostat management reduces the carbon dioxide release in the atmosphere.

Another stack heat recovery measure is using fluorescent bulbs. Fluorescent bulbs are more efficient when controlling electrical energy to produce light. This allows you to reduce the wattage you use but gives you excellent lighting performance. An incandescent bulb has about 100w and can add to carbon dioxide emissions. Fluorescent bulbs only need 40w of electricity to light up and help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.