Global Warming and Rain Attractors

Forests attract rainfall! For instance, the wet cloudy tropics are kept that way by trees. The trees themselves keep things that way, by evapotranspiring huge volumes of water through their leaves. The rising vapour condenses to form clouds, the rain falls, the trees grow, and bacteria rapidly recycle nutrients. This is a closed loop where trees, rain and soil self regulate their environment.

However, if you open the loop by cutting down the trees, the rain ceases and arid conditions replace the forests. This is ample proof that forests and rain are closely linked.


Rainfall is not haphazard. Microorganisms are responsible for the carbon cycle. Other organisms and plants also release oxygen, methane and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Microorganisms are responsible for transferring carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Forests also release Co2. Microorganisms, which break down plant and animal residues, can release carbon to the atmosphere if oxygen is present, or, methane gas if it’s not present (anaerobic).

However, when the sun is shining, plants perform photosynthesis to convert Co2 into carbohydrates, releasing oxygen in the process. Chemical reactions with gases cause water to form as water vapour in the atmosphere. Over the ocean, the rapid oxidation of DMS (Dimethylsulphide) in the air forms sulphuric acid droplets, which provides the nuclei that is needed for the condensation of water vapours to form into clouds.

Concentration of water vapour in the air depends on the air temperature. Cold air condenses as rain or snow. Clouds are formed when water vapour in the air condenses or freezes. But for the water vapour to condense, cloud-condensing nuclei (CCN) must be present in the atmosphere.

The major source of CCN over the oceans appears to be the DMS produced by planktonic algae in seawater.

Microorganism, forests, plants and soil need rainfall and all animal life depends on rainfall to grow their food. Then how do microorganisms attract rainfall?

Wind is generated as a result of microorganism’s activity, which cause wind-bearing clouds to flow to where this activity is most intense. The greater the microorganism activity, the greater the amount of gasses released into the air. Air temperature changes and cool air and warm air exchange locations. Clouds and the water vapour in the air change air temperature. Air moves from cooler to warmer regions in the atmosphere. Thus wind moves rain-bearing clouds towards forested areas. The forests are also responsible for changing air temperature above their areas. Thus, wind brings rain-bearing clouds, which fall as rain, but falls over forested areas where the greatest biodiversity occurs. Landscapes surrounding the greatest forested areas are beneficiaries of over-lapping rainfall.

Mountain ranges can also cause clouds to form when clouds are lifted to greater heights. They then cool and fall as rain. The fact most mountain areas are also forested also helps attract rain-bearing clouds.

The rotating Earth also causes winds to flow around the globe. We have the Roaring Forties and Trade Winds that circulate the planet. But we also have the Doldrums where winds are scarce. The planets circulating winds bring rain-bearing clouds from above the oceans, which are drawn to forested and mountainous areas. How often have we seen rain falling along the hills and ranges, which are also well covered with forest, but little or no rain falls on the lowlands? Many areas have an electromagnetic attraction with clouds. Lightening seems attracted to certain mineral based rock formations along hills and ranges. Large cities, with their massive power grids and electrical systems attract lightening. And lightening is accompanied by its storm clouds.

A Self Regulating Climate

Dimethlsulphide (DMS) is changed by oxygen in the air to form particles on which clouds condense. Temperature plays a big part: warmer conditions lead to more algal activity and increase in DMS, leading to more clouds. Cooler, less sunny conditions produce less algal activity and less DMS output and therefore fewer clouds.

This is a self-regulating climate – unless humans interfere with the process by damaging forests and polluting our atmosphere and our waterways and oceans.

Can Humans Create Rain?

Drought is becoming a serious threat to our Agricultural lands. Global warming is a contributing factor, but what most people don't understand is that this problem is caused by the human mind. Anyone who has studied The Law of Attraction understands that the Law of Attraction manifests everything in the material world. The Law of Attraction states: That which is like unto itself, is drawn.

When you think about something that pleases you or is something you desire, by the Law of Attraction, other thoughts that are similar to it will begin to come forth. As your thought is focussed and given attention more regularly, this thought grows larger and larger. And as this thought grows larger, it is gaining momentum and is gaining power. Therefore, you must only focus on thoughts that please you. Because if you focus and give attention to thoughts that do not please you, which give you a bad feeling, then that is what you will attract to you, which are bad outcomes.

The above says it all. If the majority of people in the nation focus on drought, then that is what we will get. But if we can convince enough people to think in terms of the good feelings associated with the arrival of rain, then that is what we will get. This is an interesting thought, which could change our climate for the better.

To discover some more about the Law of Attraction and how to use it for our advantage go to this site : [] and look for my blog link. You will be amazed at how accurate and efficient the Law of Attraction is.

Copy Right © John Duffey 2007. All Rights reserved.

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