How To Prevent Global Warming

How to Prevent Global Warming

You want to know how to prevent global warming?

There are actually many ways and I've included four below that are simple and easy for you to implement right away. All four of these recommendations focus on reducing your energy consumption in order to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases you are personally responsible for generating. When you look at this list you may think to yourself that these things don't have a big impact. If that's what you think, then you need to understand...
If you only pay attention to your own actions, then you are not going to be effective in preventing global warming!

If you are the only person to implement the following recommendations, you'd be right; your actions wouldn't have a

big impact. But, by making these simple changes you show the people around you how to prevent global warming by leading by example.

By being the change you wish to see, you greatly increase your credibility in the eyes of your peers, which makes it much easier for you to enroll them in helping to prevent global warming with you.
So, don't underestimate the power of these four easy ways to prevent global warming!