Preventing Global Warming with Solar Power Panels

We may have all burned paper under the sun through a microscopic glass during our early days in life. To very few did it strike about the immense amount on energy the sun rays carry as for many it was just an act of amusement. We were kids then, curious but uninformed about the developments in the field of solar energy. Today, the sun is the most researched of all planets when we talk of alternative or renewable energy. Since it does not generate any waste and there is zero fuel cost, Solar Power Systemsare the most environment friendly energy product available in the market.


The concern about global warming is now an international matter with several nations trying to play an effective role in reducing carbon footprint.

Scientists have been working tremendously to develop technically more advanced products that could help create more energy through relatively less amount of light and hence reduce one's carbon footprint by more than half. To obtain such results it is important that modifications are made to the mechanism of a solar power panel. One recent development was the flexible solar panel that aims at improving the absorbing capacity of a panel to create more electric energy. Solar power installers too are always in the watch for new developments in the field of solar power system and have plenty of knowledge about solar power advantages. So if you ever choose to go green the sunny way then it highly recommended that you start from a solar power installer, as they can guide you through the entire range of advanced solar products and the one that would be most suitable for your home.


The fuel of the earth may not last for long but the sun shall shine forever until eternity and this maybe one amongst several reasons why we should consider shifting from fossil fuel to Solar power systems.

Other than saving the environment, we will also be creating our own energy and not get bothered about hiking fuel prices pushed onto the public by different governments. It would be all about everybody creating their own self sufficient energy system and not relying on others. Solar Energy Informationis critical for every individual on this planet because only through personal aspirations can we bring the world together and give back the nature what have been taking away from them every since we first put our foot on this planet.

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Global Warming and Rain Attractors

Forests attract rainfall! For instance, the wet cloudy tropics are kept that way by trees. The trees themselves keep things that way, by evapotranspiring huge volumes of water through their leaves. The rising vapour condenses to form clouds, the rain falls, the trees grow, and bacteria rapidly recycle nutrients. This is a closed loop where trees, rain and soil self regulate their environment.

However, if you open the loop by cutting down the trees, the rain ceases and arid conditions replace the forests. This is ample proof that forests and rain are closely linked.


Rainfall is not haphazard. Microorganisms are responsible for the carbon cycle. Other organisms and plants also release oxygen, methane and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Microorganisms are responsible for transferring carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Forests also release Co2. Microorganisms, which break down plant and animal residues, can release carbon to the atmosphere if oxygen is present, or, methane gas if it’s not present (anaerobic).

However, when the sun is shining, plants perform photosynthesis to convert Co2 into carbohydrates, releasing oxygen in the process. Chemical reactions with gases cause water to form as water vapour in the atmosphere. Over the ocean, the rapid oxidation of DMS (Dimethylsulphide) in the air forms sulphuric acid droplets, which provides the nuclei that is needed for the condensation of water vapours to form into clouds.

Concentration of water vapour in the air depends on the air temperature. Cold air condenses as rain or snow. Clouds are formed when water vapour in the air condenses or freezes. But for the water vapour to condense, cloud-condensing nuclei (CCN) must be present in the atmosphere.

The major source of CCN over the oceans appears to be the DMS produced by planktonic algae in seawater.

Microorganism, forests, plants and soil need rainfall and all animal life depends on rainfall to grow their food. Then how do microorganisms attract rainfall?

Wind is generated as a result of microorganism’s activity, which cause wind-bearing clouds to flow to where this activity is most intense. The greater the microorganism activity, the greater the amount of gasses released into the air. Air temperature changes and cool air and warm air exchange locations. Clouds and the water vapour in the air change air temperature. Air moves from cooler to warmer regions in the atmosphere. Thus wind moves rain-bearing clouds towards forested areas. The forests are also responsible for changing air temperature above their areas. Thus, wind brings rain-bearing clouds, which fall as rain, but falls over forested areas where the greatest biodiversity occurs. Landscapes surrounding the greatest forested areas are beneficiaries of over-lapping rainfall.

Mountain ranges can also cause clouds to form when clouds are lifted to greater heights. They then cool and fall as rain. The fact most mountain areas are also forested also helps attract rain-bearing clouds.

The rotating Earth also causes winds to flow around the globe. We have the Roaring Forties and Trade Winds that circulate the planet. But we also have the Doldrums where winds are scarce. The planets circulating winds bring rain-bearing clouds from above the oceans, which are drawn to forested and mountainous areas. How often have we seen rain falling along the hills and ranges, which are also well covered with forest, but little or no rain falls on the lowlands? Many areas have an electromagnetic attraction with clouds. Lightening seems attracted to certain mineral based rock formations along hills and ranges. Large cities, with their massive power grids and electrical systems attract lightening. And lightening is accompanied by its storm clouds.

A Self Regulating Climate

Dimethlsulphide (DMS) is changed by oxygen in the air to form particles on which clouds condense. Temperature plays a big part: warmer conditions lead to more algal activity and increase in DMS, leading to more clouds. Cooler, less sunny conditions produce less algal activity and less DMS output and therefore fewer clouds.

This is a self-regulating climate – unless humans interfere with the process by damaging forests and polluting our atmosphere and our waterways and oceans.

Can Humans Create Rain?

Drought is becoming a serious threat to our Agricultural lands. Global warming is a contributing factor, but what most people don't understand is that this problem is caused by the human mind. Anyone who has studied The Law of Attraction understands that the Law of Attraction manifests everything in the material world. The Law of Attraction states: That which is like unto itself, is drawn.

When you think about something that pleases you or is something you desire, by the Law of Attraction, other thoughts that are similar to it will begin to come forth. As your thought is focussed and given attention more regularly, this thought grows larger and larger. And as this thought grows larger, it is gaining momentum and is gaining power. Therefore, you must only focus on thoughts that please you. Because if you focus and give attention to thoughts that do not please you, which give you a bad feeling, then that is what you will attract to you, which are bad outcomes.

The above says it all. If the majority of people in the nation focus on drought, then that is what we will get. But if we can convince enough people to think in terms of the good feelings associated with the arrival of rain, then that is what we will get. This is an interesting thought, which could change our climate for the better.

To discover some more about the Law of Attraction and how to use it for our advantage go to this site : [] and look for my blog link. You will be amazed at how accurate and efficient the Law of Attraction is.

Copy Right © John Duffey 2007. All Rights reserved.

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A Reminder to Global Warming

I've created this article knowing that the effects of global warming are getting worse and worse by year. Scientists have claimed that if we don't do something drastic during the next 10 years, our whole planet will be in serious jeopardy. When that condition arises, polar caps and ice sheets would likely to melt, causing sea levels to rise in ways that would put cities under water. The world would also experience prolonged periods of heat waves and droughts, hurricanes appearing in new locations. Worst of all, close to 50% of all living species will be wiped out, and we are all on the list.

Even if you think that this global warming scenario is none of your business, I'm sure you will change your opinion if you are one of the people who will still be living a decade or few later. It's everybody's business, whether if you are a student, home-owner, business owner, or retired, we are all responsible for the conditions of our habitat.

I wanted to research the methods for prevent global warming, and many of them came close to what I have listed next.

The top 9 things you could do to help reduce global warming are:


Reduce waste with "Reduce, reuse, recycle".
2. Save energy by Using less Heat and Air Conditioning.
3. Save energy with compact fluorescent light bulbs.
4. Save energy with "energy-efficient" products.
5. Save energy by using less electrically support hot water.
6. Save energy by turning off unnecessary home appliances and lights.
7. Reduce emissions by driving less and walking/biking/transit/hybrid more.
8. Absorb carbon dioxide by planting trees and other plants.
9. Spread the message by encouraging others to conserve as well.

As you can clearly see, most of the methods for reducing global warming are to save energy and electricity from your homes. This is the case because all of your power, energy, electricity, heat, air conditioning, hot water, etc, come from your electrical company. The electrical companies draw the massive powers that could be sold to you from electrical generating power plants. However, the bad news is, most of the electrical companies across the world still rely on Natural Gas, Coal, Petroleum, and Uranium. All of these methods are both expensive and extremely damaging to our habitat, causing millions of homes across North America to be billed at an unfair price and become responsible for damaging our environment.

How could anyone still want to be dependent upon the electrical companies' energy producing methods? Knowing that we are basically supporting those companies for destroying our world (by continuously paying them expensive bills of course).

I am not here to command you to do something for our environment, that is up to you. I am simply here to provide you with resources and choices for consideration, which are entirely up to you for considering.

I wrote this article because I have stumbled upon a product of great value - "Home Made Energy" by Bill Ford. I used it and it instantly made me a person who is not dependent on the electrical companies anymore, it made me save hundreds, and it made me contribute to saving the environment.

With this product alone, I had already completed 5 of the 9 steps to reduce global warming. With this product, I had basically done every step that is about saving energy from your home. By producing my own electricity and heat, I didn't have to depend on the electrical companies' environmentally damaging energy-producing-methods anymore. Instead, I used my own clean energy, plus I only paid 0$ -5$ on average on electrical bills per month.

I didn't purchase this product in order to reduce my electrical bills; I did it primarily because I wanted to be one of the few people who took real actions towards saving our habitat, even as to buying this little product and quickly using clean energy.

But we all have different motivations, some of us really want to save monthly electrical bills, because honestly, they are unreasonably expensive, and can act as a financial drop-back for many of us. With this product, I can promise any of you that within a few weeks time, you'll cut off 80-100% of your electrical bills. It's definitely worth the time and energy, considering the time and energy you already put into your paid jobs just to pay off those unreasonably high electrical bills.

The main motivation for this article is just to make people aware of the available resources out there that you could use, in order to help reduce global warming. There are a lot of different methods and tools to help reduce global warming already of course, but through my time of research and findings, in my honest opinion, I really believe that this product does a fantastic job compared to the other methods.

For example, if you want to help the environment, the best things to do at home are:

-Turning off your lights when you don't need them.
-Shutting off many electrical appliances.
-Use less hot water.
-Shut off all of your air conditioning during a hot summer day.
-Or heating system during a cold winter day.

If you are already doing some of those then that is great and you are an extra-ordinary person for doing those. However, with "Home Made Energy", there wouldn't be any need for you to keep doing those troublesome saving-energy schemes anymore, because the energy you collect and use is completely non-dependant on the electrical company! In other words, you could use your own energy as much as you want to, because they are renewable and environmentally friendly.

If you want to save money and save the environment, that's superb, it definitely means that you are already more aware of environmental issues than most people, and it also means that you are intelligent for finding a way to save so much money. This product gives you exactly what you want to do, save the money and save the environment.

Think about your actions towards reducing global warming.

Global Environment And Global Warming

The global environment is the entirety of our planets natural systems. It encompasses ecosystems, climate, geology, regional environments, and human societies and artificial environments. It can also be termed as Mother Nature or Mother Earth in a broader perspective. It can also be described simply as the state of our surroundings.

Global Warming
Global warming is the phenomenon of abnormal changes in the global environment because of continuously increasing temperatures of the Earths near-surface air and oceans. One of the main causes of global warming is the thinning of the ozone layer due to the release of ozone destructive chemicals in the atmosphere that breakdown the O2 particles of the said layer. Such occurrence is also known as ozone depletion.

The green house effect is also considered a major, if not the biggest contributor to global warming. The green house effect warms the earth by trapping the heat from the sun, preventing it from rising out of our atmosphere. Carbon monoxide and other pollutants make heat remain near the earths surface, similar to how a green house absorbs heat and prevents it from getting out.

Through the years, global warming has become synonymous with climate change because experts believe that of all the effects of the earth surface heating up, climate change is the most disturbing and dangerous.
Abnormal amounts of rainfall occur all over the world because of the change in weather patterns brought about by changes in temperature. Days or even weeks equivalent of rain sometime pour down in a matter of hours. Such heavy rainfall can cause destructive floodings.
Abnormally high temperatures can also cause very high evaporation rates that lead to more frequent and longer lasting droughts. Such droughts can lead to famine and food shortage in some areas.
The rapid changes in temperature have caused more and stronger hurricanes and storms.
Another abnormal change in the global environment brought about by global warming is the rapid rising of sea levels. This is because abnormally high temperatures are melting the polar ice caps. Sea levels have already risen severely in the past decades and some countries are beginning to become submerged in water. Ocean waters in some regions have also become acidic and dangerous to life. Acidic waters coupled with high sea-surface temperatures have already claimed the life of over a quarter of the worlds known coral reefs.

Changes in the global environment due to climate change have caused sudden changes in the planets ecosystems. Hundreds of plant and animal species which have failed to adapt to the abrupt changes have already faced extinction.

Measures need to be taken now before even mankind is pushed to the brink of extinction. One move being pushed by the United Nations is the use of green sources of energy instead of the conventional ones that pollute the environment. Support for the sustainability industry is being called for and waste-to-energy processes are under extensive research and development. The newest discovery in green technologies is the biosphere gasification process which involves the efficient and eco-friendly conversion of solid wastes into green electricity.

Global Warming is Not Real

What makes you think the global warming is real? Because you saw a movie that Al Gore who is a politician decided to promote and a hefty sum of profit to himself (assuming he was paid)? Is that your line of reasoning? Let's face it political parties and politicians always want you to fear something as a motivator to get you to vote for something or do something or believe something in order to promote their agenda. Why would this be any different?

For those who are truly concerned about the environment because we all have to live with in the ecological system and also we must breathe the air and drink the water it makes sense to do as little polluting as possible. It would be nice if everyone looked in the mirror and lived a carbon free life.

But if we are to lead the mindless masses into a giant fear that global warming will end life on Earth in an incredible apocalypse then obviously we have been pushing the wrong buttons for far too long.

It is time to stop leading by fear and to lead by thinking and use the brains that we have and our minds to solve the problems of the species.

Global warming is not real just like Y2K was not real. Mankind is not going to blow them selves up with a massive nuclear war nor is Bird flu going to wipe out the human species. All these things had been perpetuated and now it looks like Chicken Little is on steroids, but do we have to clone our poultry and use the same tactics over and over again to control the people?

Global warming is not real and it should be obvious to anyone looking at the total picture. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007.

I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

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Shocking truths |global warming

Global warming, or climate change, is a subject which indicates very little sign of cooling down to size.   Here's the mean on why it's taking place, what is considered inflicting it, and the way it might change the planet.

Is It Taking place?

Truly. Earth is presently screening several symbols of worldwide climate change.

• Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree  Celsius) across the world since 1880, a lot of this in current decades,  according to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

• The rate of warming is growing. The 20th century's last 20 years  have already been the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for a number of  millennia, in accordance with various climate studies. And the United  Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that  11 of the past twelve years is some of the dozen warmest since 1850.

• The Arctic is feeling the consequences the most.

Average temperatures in  Alaska, western Canada, and eastern Russia have risen at twofold the  global average, according to the multinational Arctic Climate Impact  Evaluation report compiled between 2000 and 2004.

• Arctic ice is rapidly disappearing, and then the district could have the first wholly ice-free summer by 2040 or before. Polar bears and even indigenous cultures are already suffering from the sea-ice loss.

• Glaciers and mountain snows are speedily melting—for example, Montana's Glacier National Park presently possess solely 27 glaciers, versus 150 in 1910. Within the Northern  Hemisphere, thaws also come a week formerly in spring and freezes begin one week later.

Are Human beings Inflicting It?

The report, based on the effort of some 2,500 scientists in more than 130  nations, concluded that humans have triggered entirely or perhaps most of the most present  planetary warming. Human-caused global warming often is called  anthropogenic climate change.

• Industrialization, deforestation, and even air pollution have drastically elevated  atmospheric concentrations of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, plus  nitrous oxide, all greenhouse gases that help trap warmth close Earth's  surface.

• Humans are pouring carbon dioxide within the atmosphere much quicker than vegetation and even oceans might take in it.

• Those gases persist in the atmosphere for years, which means that even if such emissions have already been eradicated today, it could not instantly stop global warming.

• Some professionals show that natural cycles in Earth's orbit could modify  the planet's hype to sunlight, which might explicate the current trend.  Earth has indeed skilled warming and cooling cycles almost every  hundred thousand years as a result of these orbital shifts, although such changes  have occurred along the span of several centuries. Today's alterations have  taken place within the last hundred years or much less.

What is Going to Take place?

A follow-up describe warned that global warming may lead to large-scale food and water shortages and have catastrophic effects on animals.

• Sea level could climb within 7 and 23 inches (18 to 59 centimeters) by  century's end. Rises of only four  inches (10 centimeters) could flood many South Seas islands and swamp  massive parts of Southeast Asia.

• Glaciers world wide could diminish, causing sea levels to mount while  creating water shortages in regions relying on runoff for fresh  water.

• Strong hurricanes, droughts, heat waves, wildfires, along with natural  disasters may come to be regularly occurring in many parts around the world. The growth  of deserts may also cause food shortages in many different locations.

• Greater than 1 000 000 species face extinction from disappearing home, varying ecosystems, and acidifying oceans

Truth Shocking Facts|Global Warming & Climate Change

Is Global Warming A Reality?

Scientists, celebrities, and everyday people have been trying to understand the nature of global warming. Controversy is rampant and there is intense debate around the world on the subject. Since conclusions drawn could affect you profoundly, you may want to know some basic facts about the topic of global warming.

The most obvious thing that can be said about global warming is that the earth is getting warmer. Specifically, the temperatures near the surface of the earth and the temperatures in the ocean are rising. Since 1990, there have been 10 years that have been hotter than any others in recorded history.

The greenhouse effect is said to be responsible for global warming. The greenhouse effect causes certain vapors and gases to form a sort of blanket that covers and warms the earth. Water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, and several other trace gases make up this blanket.

The greenhouse effect itself is not disputed.

No controversy exists on this point because the greenhouse effect is recognized as an inherently beneficial process. If all the energy that struck the earth was reflected right back into space, no one could live on earth. This is what would happen without this blanket that is caused by acceptable levels of global warming.

However, global warming is not all good. It can cause the earth's covering to increase in density. With a denser blanket over the earth, less of the heat is reflected back into space. This upsets the delicate balance between heat and cold that is usually maintained on earth. It traps more heat inside the earth's atmosphere.

Although there are people who argue against it, there seems to be a change in the climate in recent years. Climate change to a warmer climate is the result of excessive global warming.

There has been an overall rise in temperature of a little over one degree Fahrenheit during the last century. The figure for this century is expected to be more like seven degrees. It is this type of global warming that can lead to dire consequences if left unchecked.

People, their activities, and their industries have caused global warming to reach the levels it has today. Burning fossil fuels, powering electrical plants with coal, and irresponsible land use can all contribute to global warming. Carbon dioxide is produced by these activities, and global warming is perpetuated.

Global warming could result in rising sea levels and flooding. There could be more powerful storms. Heat waves could become intense. Droughts could severely damage the world's crops and cause shortages of drinkable water. Extinction of species could become a problem because of changing habitats and the suitability of the climate for the animal.

The good news about global warming is that there are ways to slow the process down. Each person can take responsibility for doing their part in protecting the earth's environment. With everyone helping, emissions of greenhouse gases can be cut drastically. This will give the earth a chance to begin to regain its balance of temperature. Knowing about global warming can make you a better citizen of the world.