Radiation and Global Warming

Global warming (also called the greenhouse effect) describes the gradual increase of the air temperature in the earth's lower atmosphere.

A greenhouse is made entirely of glass. When sunlight (shortwave radiation) strikes the glass, most of it passes through and warms up the plants, soil and air inside the greenhouse. As these objects warm up they give off heat, but these heat waves have a much longer wavelength than the incoming rays from the sun. This longwave radiation cannot easily pass through glass, it is re- radiated into the greenhouse, causing everything in it to heat up.


The term greenhouse effect is used to describe the warming effect that certain gases have on the temperature of the earth's atmosphere under normal conditions.

Sunlight (shortwave radiation) passes easily through the earth's atmosphere.

Once it strikes and warms the earth's surface, longwave radiation is given off and goes back into the atmosphere. While some of this longwave radiation or heat escapes into space, most of it is absorbed or held by carbon dioxide and other gases that exist in small quantities in the atmosphere. Thus these gases form a `blanket' that keeps the earth an average of 33 degrees centigrade warmer than it would be if this greenhouse effect did not occur. Without these gases the whole planet would be an icy wasteland with an average temperature of 16 degrees centigrade below freezing!


Human population growth and related industrial expansion, have led to greater air pollution and a change in the composition of the earth's atmosphere.

Some pollutants enhance the natural greenhouse effect, resulting in increased global atmospheric temperatures.


* Many nations are reluctant to commit themselves to the costly changes necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in view of the uncertainties surrounding the precise effects of global warming.

* Atmospheric CO2 concentration will be double the pre- industrial concentration in about 60 years time.

* Sea levels are likely to rise 60 mm each decade over the next century.

* Two-thirds of South Africa's population rely mainly on coal as an energy source. Providing electricity to these people will result in a nett reduction in CO2 emissions as a consequence of improved overall energy efficiency.


Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions requires greater energy efficiency. Industrialists and governments have a key role to play here. But what can the individual do?

- Reduce electricity consumption.

- Use lift clubs, public transport, bicycles or your feet for transport.

- Reduce, reuse, recycle, and save energy - the manufacture of all products requires energy.

Global Warming & Haiti Earthquake

You have to admit that Mother Nature has a great sense of humor! The big Copenhagen Summit was to be the BIG EVENT that would solve our global warming problems help nurture Mother earth back to health and TX the hell out of all the polluters to pay for it all. A funny thing happend on the way a bill signing. 


The world FROZE!


Yep, everywhere one looked COLD was happening and setting big records in so doing. It wasn't just us Houstonians who were shivering in extended sub-freezing weather for days, but the whole danged PLANET! How does Al Gore SELL his global warming program when everyone is freezing and can't pay their heat bills? Fair question?


Well, maybe we've found the answer to global warming. In fact, there are at least two answers; we're assuming that there is such a thing as global warming and not galactic warming going on here.

Let's be up front about that. I have previously written that the BIGGIE to put a damper on global warming theorists has been the absence of sun spots. The last I checked, scientists still believe we get our HEAT from the sun.


When sun spots flare, it pushes more heat and energy into the solar system. When there an absence of sun spots (like 2009 to a large degree), it gets colder here on the 3rd planet.


While history and geological studies have shown us that we had massive global cooling in the past due to volcanic activity, no one is now considering what's currently taking place. Remember that it was the Toba super volcano that blasted the planet some 70-73,000 years ago that started the ice age which didn't end until about 10,000 years ago.

I know, it was before your time; however, today is OUR time and here's the data.


From 1997 to 2007 there were only 2-5 major erupting volcanoes per year!


In 2008 things started heating up with 12! Count em! Three times the average of the previous ten years. Ah, but then we have 2009 wherein that number DOUBLED to 24 eruptions. And? Volcanoes throw all manner of junk into the atmosphere that partially blocks out the sun. Thus we're seeing a COOL DOWN, not a WARM UP.


When a volcano erupts it means things are moving and shaking down deep which is usually accompanied by earthquakes around the globe. Can you say Haiti? Maybe global warming was better for us than we knew- if it was really a carbon footprint problem. I wonder HOW Al Gore is doing these days?

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Global Swarming

Global swarming is a phenomenon far more impending than greenhouse gases; global swarming involves the very fabric of our lives. Therefore, how we handle global swarming will determine the quality of our future here on earth.

In the past, we have ignored global swarming as if it doesn't exist, but the experience of the past thirty years has clearly shown that global swarming is not only unstoppable, but presents a unique opportunity. Politicians and Scientists from all over the world need to become involved soon and come to some conclusions, because global swarming is a realty.

Global swarming happens when people ignore national barriers. We see it in the southern United States where people are flooding over borders in order to find work and a better life for their families. This is happening all over the world as well, with an influx of population into wealthier countries, and an outflow from impoverished countries.

Soon, however, it will be going the other way. Those in wealthy societies will seek the peace and beauty of the sparsely populated parts of the world and instead of becoming ex patriots as they are now called, will become true citizens of the world.

Global swarming is happening in such great numbers and force that there is no way to stop it. Thousands of miles of fences just don't work because political will and economic considerations encourage immigration. Whether it is legal or illegal, immigrants make things happen; they buy goods and services, fill jobs, and create markets.

The danger we face is that immigrants, especially illegal ones, are taken advantage of. Illegal immigrants are treated as second-class citizens because they have no power to complain, similar to slavery during 19th century America where African Americans were considered to be on a par with work animals.

This was unbelievable as we look back, and we can't help but be aghast at what some stooped to in order to increase their wealth.

With the advent of the internet and global communications, the earth is shrinking. Countries are becoming no more than states on a large map of common geography. It is only logical and a matter of time that in the future all boundaries, all restriction will be removed. When this happens, there will be a great equalization of all races, all cultures, where whatever a culture, or geographical area, or people can do better or more efficiently than another, that's what they will succeed in.

Not everyone flocks to New York here in the States. Some prefer the wide-open spaces, and some milder weather. With true globalization, those preferring spirituality might go Jerusalem, or perhaps India, as all religions begin to appreciate each other and recognize their commonality instead of their differences. Those interested in banking and business may end up in Stockholm or Switzerland. Everyone will be able to choose where he or she prefers to live, because everything else being equal, all income levels and opportunity will in the future be leveled.

Language barriers will disappear as voice activated computers instantaneously translate conversations between every culture. Traveling or relocating into even the remotest areas of the planet will no longer involve barriers of any kind. All basic services, such as education, a system of health care, and basic housing will be provided regardless of where one lives or where one came from, similar to the social services in Cuba but without the economic problems or lack of freedom. Color will be outdated as all races intermingle. A man or a woman will be valued for how they fit into a society as a whole and their level of virtue, not their appearance or background. Nationalities will blur, as people freely travel and live in many places over a lifetime.

Until we attain these lofty ideals, however, we will continue with our small-minded jealousies, isolationism, clannishness, and fears that precipitate war. Eventually, however, because of the diversification that free mobility will inject into all of society, a cosmopolitan and less xenophobic attitude will prevail, which will cool radical nationalism and promote true . . ."Global Swarming"

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Global Warming - How Much Do You Know About It?

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation (From Wikipedia). Then, how does global warming become one of the most serious environment issues, and what should we do to deal with this problem?

The recent attention to the topic of global warming is due to the fact that human actions have caused global warming on a scale and with a rapidity unseen before.

Global average air temperature near the Earth's surface has increased by 0.56-0.92 C over the last century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concludes that this observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in greenhouse gas concentrations due to such activities like burning coal and fossil fuels, cutting down forests, and overgrazing the land.

These activities have increased the greenhouse effect, which in turn, has warmed the temperatures near the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere.

Global warming has continued to be a major international policy issue since 1979, as the Rio Summit in 1992 proposed actions to constrain the emissions and the Kyoto Summit in December 1997 established binding agreements that would commit nation states to the constraints.

Europe, Japan, and the United States have agreed in principle to adopt the "Berlin Mandate" that requires them to cut their CO2 emissions to 15% below their 1990 levels by 2010. The US is not totally convinced this is the right approach, however, as the US Department of Energy has conducted a study that suggests the "Berlin Mandate" will not reduce world-wide emissions of CO2.

In fact, the study suggests that the "Berlin Mandate" could raise CO2 emissions because many energy intensive industries would be forced to leave the US, Europe, and Japan where the constraints are enforced to countries that have either not adopted the mandate or that don't strictly enforce them, and because those countries likely would have less energy efficient industries, that would likely raise the level of CO2 emissions.

Now, as you see, human behaviours have done a great harm to the earth.

If we still hope to live on this planet, if we are concerned about the future of our offspring, we should strive on to make up for the problems we have caused, such as global warming.

Fuel Cells Cause Global Warming

In researching the many additional challenges associated with fuel cells the T-5 Group (a Think Tank) noted an issue with the way that Fuel Cells work. In the heat conversion process there seems to be a problem with the amount of heat they generate.

If the World is truly concerned with Global Warming then all those hydrogen cells will heat things up. In Urban areas this will exacerbate an already difficult situation with Urban Heat issues causing increased storm and weather intensities.

Consider the incredible challenge to minimize heat escaping on 10s of millions of Hydrogen Cell Vehicles on America's highways and in urban metro areas causing urban heat and the global warming concerns, as the number of Hydrogen Vehicles across the country increase over the next four decades.

All being true adds to the dilemma of "The Hydrogen Economy" (recommended reading list).

It is also the case that in most of mankind's dilemmas we find the laws of unintended consequences. The fact that hydrogen cells puts out 400 to 1200 degrees of heat or more, which is a problem if all the vehicles are powered by hydrogen cell because of the greater heat footprint.

There for more work must be done to limit this heat down close to the ambient temperatures perhaps less, so they help cool things in the cities, which are already 5 - 10 degrees hotter due to all the concrete. This means more work and research is still needed.

This is not the only problem with Hydrogen Cells, merely one that few people are discussing. Perhaps no one wishes to make light of this problem because the Global Warming alarmists are indeed the same people promoting Hydrogen Cell Technologies.

With new materials and ceramic coatings, it is feasible to limit the heat escaping to that of less that a regular car.

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Stopping Global Warming

Global Warming is a word that you will come across on any news channel or newspaper or magazine these days. Global warming simply means the presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere beyond the permissible limits. The overabundance of carbon dioxide that is present in the atmosphere will capture the heat from the rays of the sun and form a blanket that is warming our planet Earth.

The main source that is contributing this abundant carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the humans living on this planet. The carbon emissions from cars, polluting factories and industries and the non renewable power plants are all responsible for giving out greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen dioxide etc into the atmosphere. All of the above things that we rely on are a source for making this Earth a less environment friendly for the humans.

One must know that every action, every decision or every purchase he or she makes is going to either help or hurt the future of life on this planet.

In fact, all the people in the world have by now know the ill effects of global warming on our planet. So, all of us will be only more than willing to help stop global warming and to make this Earth a better place to live in. A small bit of help from each and everyone living in this planet will make this world a healthier planet for our children, grand children and great grandchildren to live in.

The major source for this rising global warming situation is the human beings living in this planet and it is up to us humans to concentrate on the features that will help to reduce the effect of global warming or will alleviate the occurrence of global warming on our planet.

The combating of this dilemma called global warming can be carried out by concentrating on these few points:
The major step in preventing the occurrence of global warming is to conserve energy. There are so many ways in which you can conserve energy and the following will give you an idea on the regular day to day activities that you can follow to save energy and thereby reduce the effects of global warming: turning off appliances that are not in use; pooling of cars to go for office or function; using energy efficient lamps; not using appliances that release chlorofluorocarbons(CFC); planting more trees etc.

Cut on the work hours in your profession that will help save energy and if this is practiced by all the working professionals all over the world, then millions of energy can be saved, which will lead to stopping global warming.

Using of recycled products and recommended plastic carry bags than those with fewer microns which will help in the increase of pollution that will lead to increase in the global warming.

Using of environment friendly fuels and vehicles which may be a bit expensive, but will not contribute to polluting the environment.

Using of solar energy, wind power or water energy to generate electricity for your homes and offices.

With the collective efforts of each and everyone living in the planet, and with everyone caring a little bit for our Mother Earth, it will be easy to reduce the effect of global warming on this planet and make this world a happy place to live in.

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Global Warming Prevention Tips

Many may not believe that we, as people, have an affect on changes within the climate. It is a rather difficult concept to grasp. However, we can do things to prevent the devastating changes that are occurring in our environment. Global warming is a term that is frequently used to describe the rising temperatures that are occurring in our world. Lately, this has seemingly grown in popularity. It has been found that it can produce many negative reactions in our world. As the planet heats up, ice melts away. When the ice melts away, the levels of the sea start to increase. Global warming is a result of many years of neglect by people to the planet. It is not too late to stop the issue of this from proceeding. It is too late to reverse the issues that have already developed as a result of this. In this article, we will review some of the ways that we can prevent global warming from doing any more damage than it has already done.

The main theme behind the prevention of global warming is to reduce the level of certain gases that enter our atmosphere and cause devastating changes to our world.

It is certainly not possible for one person to reduce the issue of it, but change can start with one person. It is vital to our future, and the future of many generations to come, that we start putting this change into motion as soon as possible. If we all start contributing to the prevention of global warming, the results can end up positive for the entire world.

If we reduce the amount of certain gases that we use, such as gasoline and oil, we are on the road to global warming prevention. The first step in preventing this is to try to reduce the amount of energy that we consume in our homes and businesses.

It is important to understand that it takes certain oils to create the electricity that we use. If we use less electricity, then we will do less damage to the atmosphere. There are numerous ways that we can reduce the amount of energy that we use. The first thing that we can do is to use lighting in our home that saves energy. As a matter of fact, it is better to make sure that all the items in our home are purchased under the fact that they are energy efficient.

The next step to preventing global warming is to watch how much fuel that you use in vehicles and other fuel powered machines. You can use less fuel by ensuring that your vehicle is maintained, you drive less, and purchase vehicles that are advertised to use less fuel. All of these tips will help you to save money on fuel, and will help to preserve our environment.

It is very important that we all pull together to ensure that we are doing what we are able to do to reduce the effect that global warming has on our atmosphere. Practice the tips listed in this article, and pass them along as well.

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